The Rebuild U.S. 27 project will widen a 1.62-mile route from 2 to 3 lanes in each direction, construct ramp acceleration and deceleration lanes at interchanges and construct 6 bridges and 30 retaining walls. The roadway alignment and grade will be improved to flatten horizontal curves and remove vertical dips in the roadway. This realignment will improve sight distance visibility, providing a safer view ahead for motorists. The new bridges will be wider and safer than the existing structures. The retaining walls will stabilize the steep slopes that were constructed in the 1950s and also serve to minimize the need for additional right-of-way acquisition.
Wilson & Associates’ engineering and surveying duties are to lay out all bridges, walls, grading and drainage. Other duties include the layout of the various utilities, roadway lighting and appurtenances. Our firm also acts as the prime contractor’s representative in all erosion-prevention and sediment-control matters, including the contractor’s plan for staging EPSC operations, EPSC inspection services relative to water quality, erosion and sediment controls, and water-resource-related permit compliance for the project, as well as coordination of the contractor’s BMP installations. We are servicing this project with one crew, along with a part-time data engineer and an EPSC inspector, for five to six days a week for three years.