Construction Services

Wilson & Associates’ Construction
Services encompasses a wide
variety of tools used to complete a
project on time and under budget.

“We specialize in timely and accurate construction services with an understanding of the need for clear communication to aid in the successful completion of a project.”


Construction Surveying & Staking

Highways, Bridges, Walls, Utilities
Quantity Calculations & Reports
As-Built Surveys
Control Networks
Quality Assurance Surveying
Deformation/Deviation Survey


GPS/Geodetic Surveys

Static GPS Control Networks
GPS/RTK Localization Surveys


Laser Scanning

3D Laser Scanning
3D As-Built Models
3D Printing


Data Modeling

Machine Control Files
Grading & Drainage
Utilities, Walls & Bridges


Plan Design & Modification
Detention Pond Design


Environmental Engineering

Biweekly Stormwater Inspections
SWPPP Design
Rosgen Geomorphic Channel


Constructability Review

Geometric Accuracies
Grades & Transitions
Bridges, Walls & Utilities
Traffic Control
Clash Detection
Field Verification
Plan Modifications
Construction Modeling

Smart Fix 40 Besides laying out bridges, walls, grading, and drainage on this largest construction project in Tennessee history, W&A also acted as the prime contractor’s representative in all erosion-prevention and sediment-control matters. This included the contractor’s plan for staging EPSC operations, EPSC inspection services relative to water quality, erosion and sediment controls, and water-resource-related permit compliance for the project, as well as coordination of the contractor’s BMP installations to minimize environmental impacts. W&A worked with environmental community groups, the City of Knoxville, and TDEC to meet the project’s environmental obligations. The efforts resulted in no NOVs.