Work Order No.250201000
Requester NameJonathan Bailey
RequesterEmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Date Requested09/05/2018
Date Due09/14/2018
ManagerJon Slemp
Type of Work OrderData Work Order
Description of Task

1. Jamie called and stated that Mitchell Simpson with Wright Brothers has asked us to insure that the roadway grades are going to tie into the bridge properly. The finished grade model is attached.

2. Jamie stated that the retaining wall at abutment 1 was almost complete. He said that he could not find any coping details for the wall and would like for us to investigate and provide him with any details we can find to allow him to set grade.
2A. Mitchell Simpson also requested that we review the top of wall grades to insure that they tie in properly to the structure and roadway grades.

Data Location
  • J - Jonesborough
  • K - Cookeville
Data Path / AddressJ:\Geopak Projects\96718\DTM\FINISHED GRADE\BARTOW_LAKEPOINT_FIN_REV.tin
Flight Area Information
Assigned toJon Slemp
Date Started2018-09-13
Date Completed2019-12-19